Paris vu d'en bas

Cyrille Bouchereau has always been a biker, Parisian for 30 years. Riding a motorcycle in Paris gives him multiple opportunities to be a spectator of the city from a unique angle. So many years spent criss-crossing the streets of the city, countless breaks at red lights with his nose in the air, provoked in him the desire to capture these singular images. Here is the origin of this series…

When we observe some of these streets, some of these buildings seen from the ground, we often feel the impression of life. As if these masses of stones were animated by forces, endowed with meaning and endowed with a certain capacity to interact with us, like very old trees. All the photographs of “Paris vu d’en bas” are each the subject of a singular framing and a black and white treatment. This technique makes it possible to best restore this impression of life to the captured images. This series is therefore not a work of architecture, or views of the “most beautiful places in the capital”, but is a very personal production of these large inanimate objects which most certainly have a soul.

Art Photographs Cyrille Bouchereau
Black and White Edition and Frame Edition
Paris vu d’en bas series
Maison Sensey Selection 

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