The Cry for Help from Made In France: Is France Scuttling Itself?
2 December 2024

The Cry for Help from Made In France: Is France Scuttling Itself?

The Cry for Help from Made In France

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”… but clearly, we don’t want to! France, a country of revolutions, innovations and great ideals, seems today to be giving in to a worrying form of inertia. However, history shows that this country has often been able to meet titanic challenges and overcome major crises. So why do we get the impression that France no longer really wants to?
There was a time when “Made in France” was synonymous with excellence, quality and know-how recognised throughout the world. Today, however, the dominant impression is that of a country that is giving up, sacrificing its industry and economic identity on the altar of globalisation and financial imperatives. This burning question – is France sabotaging itself? – reflects a growing concern about the decline of a model that nevertheless carries meaning and value.

Between wait-and-see and inaction, what do we do?

French industry has long represented innovation, craftsmanship and the sustainability of know-how. Whether it is luxury textiles, automobiles, tableware or agriculture, Made in France embodied a unique balance between tradition and modernity. But today, this symbol is wavering. The Cry for Help from Made In France

France, this country admired for its audacity, innovation and culture of excellence, today gives the impression of walking on hot coals without ever moving forward. The frustration is palpable: while the talents are there, opportunities abound and the context calls for strong choices, the country seems to be stuck in a wait-and-see attitude and inaction. Why this feeling that France is sabotaging itself?

Why this apparent inability to act when the world is not waiting for us? And above all: what do we do?

A country paralyzed by a wait-and-see attitude

The word “wait-and-see attitude” often comes up to describe the current state of France. But what does it mean? It means observing, waiting, procrastinating, instead of acting. And this wait-and-see attitude, although it may seem rational in the short term, becomes a deadly poison when it becomes established for the long term. In many areas, France gives the impression of being a racing car… at a standstill.

Technological innovation? We are average, when we could be leaders. The energy transition? We talk about it a lot, but projects are struggling to come to fruition. Industrial relocation? A great idea, but too few actions to make it real. Entrepreneurs who want to undertake, everything is done to engage in reverse gear… We make the cake that the whole world wants and we are able to keep only the crumbs and what’s more we say thank you!

A rant to awaken consciences!

Is France really self-sabotaging? Maybe so. But this self-sabotage is not inevitable. This country has already overcome major crises, taken on impossible challenges, and made the whole world dream.

So, the real question is simple: do we really want to continue to wallow in inaction and wait-and-see? Or are we ready to find our place, to raise our heads, and to become again this nation that dares, that innovates, and that inspires?

Time is running out, and the answer to this question will determine the future of France. What do we do? The ball is in our court.

Barbara Sensey The Cry for Help from Made In France